Saturday, 27 June 2015

Fond Farewell to Jonathan Wallace

It is with a heavy heart, but all our very best wishes, that we bid fond farewell to Mr Jonathan Wallace, our Active Schools Co-ordinator for James Gillespie's High School Cluster, who takes on an exciting new role, with additional responsibilities, in the Royal High School Cluster.  

Mr Wallace has been a crucial member of our staff: facilitating and co-ordinating all the morning, lunchtime and after school Active Schools Clubs based at Sciennes and various venues; providing curricular coaches and activities for classes throughout the year; supporting JASS in school and all EPSSA sporting events; assisting with trials for EPSSA events; accompanying us to Benmore and Lagganlia; working with Ms Kennedy to provide activities for Fun and Frolics and running the highly successful P7 Cluster Transition Days at Meadowbank over the last four and a half years. Based at James Gillespie's High School, Mr Wallace has also provided sterling support to all six cluster primary schools: Sciennes, Tollcross, James Gillespie's Primary, Preston Street, Royal Mile and Taobh na Pairce.

The Active Schools programme is highly prized and it is a very demanding role: we are indebted to Mr Wallace for his commitment and expertise and will miss him very much. We are certain he will make as much of an impact in his new post and we wish him continued success in his career.

Pupils presented Mr Wallace with a Memory Book capturing some of the highlights from his time with us at Sciennes and some of these are shown below. Keep in touch, Mr Wallace!

Supporting Edinburgh Primary School Sports Association (EPSSA) sporting events

Organising an array of curricular and extra-curricular opportunities to promote active, healthy lifestyles for  pupils throughout the seven cluster schools.
Preparing and supporting team sports

Leading the highly successful JGHS Cluster P7 Transition Festival at Meadowbank

A close colleague and friend

Supporting Junior Award Scheme Scotland (JASS)

Thanks to Graeme Adams, Senior Instructor at Benmore, for sending this photograph to remind us all of the Active Schools Co-ordinator traditional challenge!
A crucial member of the Sciennes Team - you will be missed!

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