Monday, 11 April 2016

Fantastic New Online Booking System for Active Schools!

Sign up online for  Sciennes' Active Schools Clubs.

Sciennes pupils should click on SCIENNES for school clubs and click on JAMES GILLESPIE'S HIGH SCHOOL for cluster clubs. 

Active Schools Clubs at Sciennes Primary School
James Gillespie's Cluster Active Schools Clubs

Sunday, 10 April 2016

New Active Schools Co-ordinator, Tom Scott

Our best wishes to former James Gillespie's Cluster Active Schools Co-ordinator, Heather Davies, who has now left the post and we thank her for arranging the Active Schools Clubs for the coming term.

We look forward to welcoming our new Active Schools Co-ordinator, Tom Scott (previously Balerno Cluster), who will take over from Heather in the summer term.

Active School Clubs Term Three

Dear Parent/Carer                                                                                           March 2016

Active Schools is delighted to offer a range of sport and physical activity extracurricular opportunities again this term. Please note that we have gone online as of this term. If your child is interested in attending any of the clubs/activities list below, please follow the link to access joininedinburgh booking system. The link will take you to the correct neighbourhood. You simply need to click on the venue/school where the activity is due to take place, i.e. Sciennes pupils will click on Sciennes for school clubs and James Gillespie’s High School for cluster clubs. 

Please note that you will only be able to book on line using credit or debit card. Cash and cheque payments can still be made by completing a permission slip. Slips will be available from the school office.

We ask that your child should attend the session wearing appropriate clothing and footwear with a filled water bottle. Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail at 

Tom Scott
Active Schools Coordinator James Gillespie’s Cluster 

Follow us on Twitter: @ActiveSchoolsED