Dear Parent/Carer
Schools is delighted to offer a range of sport and physical activity
extracurricular opportunities for Term 2. I have tried to ensure all
year groups are included in an activity/club at least once a week and
hope that there is something in the programme that your child would like
to do. If there is something your child would like to do and it’s not
on the programme for this term, please ask them to let their pupil
council representative know or tell me, Heather Davies, your Active
Schools Coordinator.
All clubs continue to be paid for through our school's on-line
WISEPAY system.
on each club are limited. Once this limit is reached payments will NO
LONGER be accepted. Please access the system ASAP to ensure your child
attains a place.
If your child is interested to attend, please:
our on line
Login with
your Username and Password and select Tickets and Events.
Select and pay for your chosen clubs, remembering to tick to agree consent.
attempt will be made to inform children and parents/carers in advance
when a club has been cancelled. However, occasionally cancellations
happen at the last minute; you will be notified by Text Message. Please
therefore, if possible, provide a mobile number when completing your
child’s EE2 form this year.
The school and I would like to take
this opportunity to thank parents, teachers, tutors and volunteers who
put so much time and effort into organising the sports and clubs for the
children. Without them these activities would not take place.
Heather Davies
Active Schools Coordinator
James Gillespie’s High School and Cluster Primaries
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